North Carolina State University, University Archives Reference Collection, University-Wide Publications 1919-2010


North Carolina State University, University Archives Reference Collection, University-Wide Publications 1919-2010

Contained in this subgroup are directories (telephone and address) for faculty, staff, and students at North Carolina State University. These are duplicate copies of directories shelved in the Rare Book Collection under call numbers LD 3918. A1, LD 3918 .A13, and LD 3918. This subgroup also contains bound copies of the North Carolina State Record, which include course catalogs, commencement programs, faculty, staff, and student directories, and other miscellaneous university-wide publications. These are duplicate copies of the Record shelved in the Rare Book Collection under call number LD3916 .S7. The first annual catalog for North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts (later North Carolina State University), published in June 1890, contained lists of faculty and freshman students. By the 1910s there was a separate directory that listed both faculty and students. By the 1930-1931 academic year, faculty and staff were listed in a separate volume. This practice continued until the 1988-1989 academic year when both directories were combined into a single volume.

13.5 Linear feet

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